This was the first online get-together between the HIVE consortium and the start-ups supported. The event agenda included presentations on supporting of start-ups by FHWN (Austria), University of Latvia, Bukovinian State Medical University (Ukraine), Dnipro University of Technology (Ukraine) and Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. These presentations were supplemented by a presentation of the ESSEC incubation programme “Antropia ESSEC” aimed at supporting social enterprises. Additionally, the consortium welcomed guests from the University of Tartu (Estonia) who shared their experience in supporting startups and forming entrepreneurial mindset across educational levels.
10 start-ups supported by FHWN, University of Latvia, Bukovinian State Medical University and Dnipro University of Technology introduced their business ideas and achievements to the consortium. Their ideas covered digital music sheets for brass bands (“Marschpat”, Austria), space technologies (“R-space”, Austria), air filters made from wool and feather waste (“Fluffy”, Latvia), recovery of phosphorus from water thus reducing pollution (“Phosphorus Recovery”, Latvia), unique materials for sun protection (“Skinfuture”, Latvia) and for treating burns (“BurnEase”, Ukraine), surgical, first aid, and tactical medicine innovative training simulators and teaching aids for doctors (“STEEPEN” and “ClinCaseQuest”, Ukraine), developing a robotic constructor and an interactive online platform for teaching children and youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics ("LovkoTECH-stem education”, Ukraine) and developing of a compact hydrogen generator based on non-aggressive component reactions ("H2ydroGEN", Ukraine).
The presentations were followed by a lively question and answer session, and some future transnational co-operation and support opportunities were identified.