In July 2023, the HIVE project partners adopted the “Network Integration Action Plan” (NIAP) aimed at contributing to the HIVE project objectives by establishing and strengthening sustainable links with a multi-actor approach in the knowledge triangle on local, regional, and global level. This will be achieved through new memberships, joint development agreements, or similar co-operation agreements with potential partners.
With this NIAP, the HIVE project partners aim at
- co-operating with the EIT KICs, e.g., through peer-to-peer collaboration;
- establishing new partnerships and enhancing the nature, content, and type of collaborations with external partners, including businesses, regional authorities, research organizations, governmental bodies, NGOs and other societal partners; and
- participating in European network structures.
The NIAP builds on the HIVE “Handbook of good practices for network development and knowledge exchange”, and the good practices of network development and knowledge exchange collected within the HIVE consortium indicate a trend towards the integration of all parts of the Knowledge Triangle in networking activities of European HEIs.
Additionally, the NIAP will be used to develop the HIVE Transferability Plan (2024 – 2030) to strengthen the partners’ collaboration and networking beyond the duration of the HIVE project.