One of the first tasks in the implementing the HIVE project was to develop the roadmap for technology transfer within the partner higher education institutions (HEIs). To develop such a roadmap, it was necessary to perform the analysis of the current situation within each HEI and to aggregate the best practices. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), the leader of project’s Work package 1, in collaboration with all project participants executed the research on the current situation within the partner HEIs and developed the Roadmap / Guidelines for Technology Transfer within Partner HEIs.

The developed roadmap addressed the areas of internal benchmarking on the existing structures and procedures for Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs), proposing recommendations regarding the decisions on actions for establishing or improving TTOs and other related structures.

The roadmap focuses on new and improved procedure description concerning the functioning of TTOs, as well as legal and regulatory documentation on establishing new TTOs within the participating HEIs. During the research, the following data was collected and analysed: legislation and other types of regulation currently in force in the country; active directives/regulations at HEI; support programmes and structure/mechanism and actors in field of research and commercialization; active programmes and initiatives in field of TTO and research at HEI.

The information collected for the purpose of developing the roadmap shows – if there is a functional and active law in the country, and a proprietary setup at the HEI, there is room for building TTOs, technology parks, business incubators, start-up centres, or other actions that support entrepreneurship at HEIs. The functioning incubators, centres, and TTOs are the primary motivator of entrepreneurship, research, knowledge transfer into practice, student support, and more. Among other things, the staff of these units have a good knowledge of the local environment but need to build links with the private sector and better respond to current market demands. It is often relatively easy to invent a new technology or solution. Complications arise when HEI representatives address the commercial potential of a given idea. Therefore, expectations from TTOs, in particular, are high, and they need to continuously develop their competencies in line with market needs.

The developed roadmap includes strategic agendas for the TTOs (to foster licensing, support spin-off development, improve communication among business incubators, career centres, innovation laboratories, etc.) and general mobilization of the technology transfer support structures and mechanisms. The conclusions obtained in the development of the roadmap are necessary to revise the IVAP in the future.

Roadmap / Guidelines for Technology Transfer within Partner HEIs has been developed within the Work Package 1: IVAP implementation and institutional change. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) is the project participant in charge of Work Package 1.
