The HIVE project is nearing completion and has announced its closing event.

As the HIVE project duration approaches its finish line, the partners are focusing their efforts on the final deliverables and outputs, such as the impact assessment, the report on the developed/ improved/ tailored motivation and support mechanisms for innovation commercialization in partner HEIs and the report on improved business incubators services within partner HEIs etc.

To discuss the project’s achievements and impact, the University of Latvia, the consortium lead partner, is organising the HIVE project’s closing event, which will be held in Riga, Latvia, on June 19 – 20, 2024. The preliminary agenda of the closing event includes keynote remarks fromrepresentatives of public authorities, international institutions and project partners. The closing event will also be a forum for finetuning of the consortium’s shared vision for the project's long-term sustainability and for discussion of future collaboration opportunities and new project ideas. Some of the start-ups and scale-ups supported by the consortium will also join the event to share their experiences and reflect on the project’s contribution to their growth. The event will also envisage ample networking opportunities to strengthen the cooperation and team spirit among the project partners and to spark potential joint initiatives in the future.
